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Shares of EVNGENCO 3 will be traded on UPCOM from 21/3/2018. On 21/3/2018; 7,149,644 shares of EVNGENCO 3 will be traded on UPCOM Market.

Shares of EVNGENCO 3 will be traded on UPCOM from 21/3/2018.
On 21/3/2018; 7,149,644 shares of EVNGENCO 3 will be traded on UPCOM Market.

Regarding the Notification No. 188/TB-SGDHN dated 14/3/2018 of the Ha Noi Stock Exchange, the winning shares number at the auction which was held on 09/2/2018 at the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange and fully paid for EVNGENCO 3, has been traded on UPCOM with the following information:
- Type of stock: Common stock
- Code of stock: PGV
- Denomination of a share: 10,000 VND/share
- Amount of stock registered for trading: 7,149,644 stocks
- value of stock registered for trading: 71,496,440,000 VND
- The first trading day: 21/3/2018
- Reference price on the first trading day: 24,800 VND/stock.