From a distance, it is easy to be impressed with Thai Binh 1 Thermal Power Plant - a prominent plant in the green rice field of My Loc commune, Thai Thuy district, Thai Binh province
From a distance, it is easy to be impressed with Thai Binh 1 Thermal Power Plant - a prominent plant in the green rice field of My Loc commune, Thai Thuy district, Thai Binh province. However, getting into the factory premises is equally impressive by a large thermal power plant, but inside is a lot of green - the color of the rows of trees go along the internal roads, the green of the trees grass on the ground in the blank areas.
Cows grazing on the premises of Thai Binh Thermo Power Plant deliberately
Fish swim in drainage ditches From the entrance, it is easy to see the coal conveyor lines that are hundreds of meter length from the warehouse to the furnace of the plant. But it is worth noting that these conveyors are completely sealed, ensuring there are no coal particles, coal dusts outside the environment.
On the internal roads inside the plant, many rows of trees have also grown; the green grass growing on the roadside makes people feel how friendly the plant is. Talking with us, Mr. Duong Thuy Duc - Director of Thai Binh Thermal Power Plant (under EVNGENCO3) said besides production tasks, generting electricity to the grid, environmental protection of this plant is also a priority. "The plant is in the process of operation and until now, the parameters of environmental protection are very good, and the indicators on waste and gas are lower than the approved environmental impact assessment report" (EIA)" Mr. Duc shared.
According to Mr. Duc, from the time of investment project to the implementation of the project of Thai Binh Thermal Power Plant, competent authorities, Electricity of Vietnam, Japan International Cooperation Agency, Consultancy units have concerned so much and paid attention to environmental issues. "All environmental legal documents for the plant such as EIA, surface water exploitation license, water discharge permit, environmental protection works completion certificate, chemical incident, hazardous waste incident response plan, environmental incident response plan ... we are all building and have been confirmed.” Mr. Duc said.
Canal for sewage drainage inside the Thai Binh Thermal Power Plant
Observation inside the plant, we can see the system of tanks, canals ... wastewater treatment of Thai Binh Thermal Power Plant are invested, arranged quite sufficiently. In some canal sections, ditches, it can be seen, many small fish swims on the water.
According to the engineers of Thai Binh Thermal Power Plant, this thermal power plant project is applying strict technical standards, especially on industrial wastewater and domestic wastewater: Parameters and concentration limits of pollutants in wastewater after treatment do not exceed national technical regulation on industrial wastewater QCVN 40: 2011 / BTNMT.
Engineers in the system control room of the plant
Regarding the wastewater treatment system and wastewater from the RO filtration system, Mr. Duong Thuy Duc said that the automatic monitoring system of wastewater quality parameters equivalent to source quality strictly controls the system. The water used in the exploitation of water from the Tra Ly River, the pH parameters in the range of 6 to 9, the excess chlorine parameter does not exceed 01 mg / l, the parameter does not exceed 8oC compared with water temperature Maximum input and maximum of 40oC before discharging to Tra Ly River.
Modern wastewater treatment system of Thai Binh 1 Thermal Power Plant
The company's exhaust gas management system is also integrated, managed by low NOx combustion and stratified combustion.
Also according to Mr. Duc, the environmental monitoring system of the plant is an automatic system connected with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Thai Binh province: Thai Binh Thermal power Plant has completed the installation of automatic environmental monitoring system and successfully connected to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Thai Binh province.
"The factory is equipped with a large electronic screen installed at the main gate of the factory to publicize the emission parameters. The factory has a test tank after treatment with a capacity of 500m3, located in the place that people easily observe. Our factory has outstanding features in wastewater treatment technology, RO is used to produce water from brackish water while others use natural water.” – Mr. Duc said.
Consume lots of coal but treat all ashes
It is known that the construction started in February 2014 and completed the first unit in January 2018, Unit 2 in March 2018 - with a total capacity of up to 600 MW; Thai Binh Thermal Power Plant used a huge quantity of coal for electricity production. The input coal (domestic coal type 5) needs 1.3-1.5 million tons with the price of about 1.8 million / ton. And with such coal consumption, the ash produced is also huge: About 90 thousand tons of bottom slag and 350,000 tons of ash.
All fly ash, slag bottom and gypsum are processed and certified to the current Vietnamese standards. The fly ash of the plant is analyzed for its characteristics, suitable for concrete mix, mortar and cement.
Talking more about handling of produced ash, Mr. Duong Thuy Duc said that at the time of bidding for selling ash, there were 9 units and finally selected 3 units to meet technical requirements.